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Dems vs GOP / PatrioticQuiz.com
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Dems VS. GOP
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kieferleo wrote:
Please rid the world of the GOP falsehoods and noise!
mpcorps5983 wrote:
Slavery is a closed chapter of our history. Dwelling on that dark time is to waste time! You might as well try to understand why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
fivewindaguy wrote:
Biden is not standing up for anything. Obama is running this country. Joe does not know what day of the week it is
fivewindaguy wrote:
It does not matter how many gun laws are passed. The bad guys will find a way to get a gun. PERIOD
fivewindaguy wrote:
It does NOT matter how many gun laws are passed. The bad guys will find a way to get a gun. Do you get it now?? Geeeez, how stupid can some people get.
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