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Nitid North Dakota

Get ready to broaden your knowledge of the Peace Garden State! Learn more and be even more patriotic!
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Nitid North Dakota
  • The official state beverage of North Dakota is milk.
  • The state passed a bill in 1987 making English the official state language.
  • North Dakota has the lowest unemployment rate in the country (3.2%).
  • North Dakota was ranked as the best-run state in the country in 2012.

North Dakota

  • North Dakota is the least-visited state in the country.
  • North Dakota grows the most sunflowers in the USA.
  • Dakota means “friend” or “ally” in the Sioux language.
  • Fargo, North Dakota, hosted the largest pancake feed in the world.

  • The state has the highest percentage of the church-going population in the USA.
  • Less than 1% of the state is forest. That’s the smallest amount of any state.
  • Rhode Island could fit inside North Dakota 46 times.
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