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Shiny South Carolina

The Palmetto State’s history is unique and surely worth your attention! Learn more about South Carolina now!
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Shiny South Carolina
  • South Carolina’s official dance is shag.
  • The first battle of the Civil War took place at Fort Sumter, South Carolina.
  • The state is the nation’s leading peach producer.
  • At one time, South Carolina’s license plates read The Iodine State.

South Carolina

  • The state’s smallest county is McCormick at 360 square miles.
  • Sumter is the world’s largest Gingko farm.
  • Legendary tennis player Althea Gibson and boxing champion Joe Frazier were born in South Carolina.
  • Quarantine, Climax, Wide Awake – these are real towns in South Carolina.

  • There are about 4,000 rhesus monkeys on Morgan Island, South Carolina.
  • Duncan Park Baseball Stadium is the oldest minor league stadium in the United States.
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